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The implementation of the new version of the national food additive


National Health and Family Planning Commission issued a new "national food safety standards for food additives" (gb2760-2014), implemented in 2011 and replaced by May 24, 2015 edition.

Compared with the 2011 edition, the new version of GB2760 has the following main changes: first, the use of aluminum containing food additives regulations. Two, the necessity of non technology to sort out the food additives, remove the 2011 edition of the standard does not have the necessary requirements of the process. Three, "into the principle" in the clear "premix" in the use of food additives. Four, shall not add food flavors and fragrances, food list changes, increase the tea, coffee. Allowed use of food with a variety of spices number change, delete the star anise, oregano, and other varieties of natural spices, determine the food seasoning, an increase of such as isopropyl isovalerate 24 kinds of synthetic fragrances. Six, can be used in various types of food processing, the residue does not need to be limited to increase the amount of processing aids in the list of hydrogen peroxide. Seven, revised Appendix F "food classification system".

2011 version of the food additive using standard "although clearly stipulated in our country allows the use of food additives in different food maximum usage, but in the safe and practical application with the world's advanced standards is still a big gap, so the revised emphatically point is safety and practicality. For example, deleting 7 synthetic colorants aluminum lake in puffed food regulations and deletion lack the necessary process of food additives provisions. Here to remind the relevant enterprises, concerned about the new standard, in the production and operation activities in a timely manner to adjust the production process, a smooth transition, reduce and avoid the impact caused by changes in the standard content.

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